AVIBREEZE® is a feed additive comprising of rich phytoconstituents/phytochemicals that targets and relieves the birds from respiratory distress. AVIBREEZE® alleviates bronchitis or any other respiratory diseases and acts as a respiratory symptom relieving agent.


  • Comforts breathing by reducing mucus accumulation in the upper respiratory tract
  • Cleans the bronchi and improves the oxygen supply naturally
  • Prevents the occurrence of CRD and other respiratory infections
  • Enhances immunity naturally that helps in resisting respiratory pathogens
  • Makes the birds stress free, no negative impact and improves productivity
  • Balances the gut microflora and improves the overall health status of the flock
  • Improves feed intake, FCR, nutrient utilization and carcass quality

Normal Conditions as preventive: 1 ml per 2-3 L of water.
In Endemic Conditions:0.5-1 ml per 1 L of water.
In feed: Commercial: 250ml per ton of feed and
Breeder:500ml per ton of feed
Dosage may be adjusted depending on the flock’s condition or as advised by the veterinarian/ poultry nutritionist.

Storage: Store in a cool, dry place and avoid direct sunlight.

Presentation: 500 ml & 1L food grade plastic bottles and bulk pails